Padraig O’Malley

Operations Director

This experience and knowledge is built on third-level Engineering Degree and a Masters in Project Management which have been supplemented by specific qualifications in rotating turbine and generator equipment.

Padraig has project-managed significant Power Generation Construction Projects in both Ireland and North America and has developed an in-depth understanding of power train overhauls on both Steam and Gas technologies.

He works with Clients on all aspects of their projects from initial conversations, through estimating, planning and the delivery phases of the final deliverables. He has a passion for the quality of work APC performs as well as clear dedication to ensuring the safest of environments for all personnel on our projects. 

Padraig led a highly qualified and experienced group of project-focused personnel who can go above and beyond the client’s expected deliverables anywhere in the world.

Bedford Place, Howley’s Quay, Henry Street, Limerick, Ireland. V94 K6YY

T: + 353 61 535 763

19 St. Christopher’s Way,
Pride Park, Derby,
United Kingdom. DE24 9JY

T: + 44 1332 897 481

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